Perform 3 rounds of each triplet before moving to the next. Minimize rest during the triplet.  Rest up to 90 sec after each triplet.  Do each triplet in the order presented.  Begin with whichever.

4 handstand push ups
12 strict OH DB press AHAP
25 side lateral raise 10/15 (strict)


4 ring dips
12 OH triceps French press AHAP
25 BB skull crushers 25/45


25 situps
25 tick tocks L 25/35
25 tick tocks R 25/35
1 min 6 inch leg raise

Post weights and reps to comments.


Nutrition Class tonight at Biker's Edge in Kaysville 6:00pm


Cycling Class Saturday 10-12


Triathlon Team/Club swim Sat. 6am at SDRC


35 pounds down and looking AMAZING Char!