Daily Workout …

3 - 5 rounds of:

8 shoulder weighted split squats R 15/20
8 shoulder weighted split squats L 15/20
20 plate switches (R+L=1)
1 min rest

3 - 5 rounds of:

8 uni OH DB press R 15/20
8 uni OH DB press L 15/20
20 MTN climbers (R+L=1)
1 min rest

3 - 5 rounds of:

8 high weighted pulls R M/H
8 high weighted pulls L M/H
20 v-twists (R+L=1) 15/20
1 min rest

Post round completed to comments.

Workout Notes …

  1. If you are more advanced do 5 rounds per.

  2. On which shoulder should you hold the weight while doing the squat? Don’t care. Just make sure you switch, when you switch legs.

  3. Pro Tip: Do Better MTN Climbers (video)

  4. No “dip drive” on the OH.

  5. If you have access to a gym, you may use a high cable system.

  6. Don’t have a band to anchor from on high? Just use a uni db bent row as alt.

  7. Remember, you take a 1 min break at the end of each round.