EMOM for 10 min complete:
100 rope jumps
rest 1 min, then

EMOM for 10 min complete:
35 KB swings 25/35
rest 1 min, then

EMOM for 10 min complete:
12 burpees

Post reps missed from each category and general thoughts to comments.

Daily Extras - 

We hope you'll go hard enough at yourself with this workout that you won't have any energy left over to do extras. 

Workout Notes: 

  • Stay plastic with the number of reps you complete. Just because the set calls for 35 reps in a minute, doesn't mean you can't do more. Rookies, the opposite is also true of this.
  • It's hard to keep track of the reps you complete during a workout like this, but it can be very useful for the next time you perform it. 

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Love this time of year! Sometimes you just have more garden than places to put it all. Remember, "Sharing is caring!" Thanks to Judy B. for carrying the torch on this project for the better part of 6+ years.