Complete 5 rounds.

Each rep consists of a 7 sec hold followed by a 3 seconds rest of:

10 OH BB holds (hold barbell above head for 7s, rest at shoulders for 3s.) 65/45
10 deep squat hold to box jump (7s hold in the bottom of a squat. Rest for 3s after performing a box jump).
10 six inch leg lifts + crunch (lie on back, hold legs straight out at 6 inches off floor. Combine with an ab crunch. Hold for 7s.  Rest is down all)

You have precisely 15 seconds to transfer between each set of 10.
Post reps missed (if any) to comments.


Click HERE for a video demo of this workout.  It is rough, but it helps.


We will be holding only 1 workout on Memorial Day. This will be at 8 A.M.  You won't want to miss.  It is going to be special.   


GPP aloha style!