5 rounds for time:

10 push press 45/95
10 power clean 45/95
10 clean & jerk 45/95
400 m run

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Daily Extras - Use these weights:

push press 65/115
power clean 95/135
clean & jerk 95/135

Workout Notes:

  1. Masters: Do 3 rounds.

  2. Sign up for OPEN GYM.

  3. Being tired and taking a bar OH is fraught with danger to your chin. You’ve been warned.

  4. The Dog Days of Summer

  5. Keep your heels on the floor for the PP.

  6. Power cleans and making contact with the thighs.

Musings ...

Using our fitness as a family last year. AKA “Permanent Family Memories!” Loved those days. Thought we’d share.