Every 90 sec for 15 rounds complete:

20 press jacks 15/20
15 HS DB biceps curls 15/20
10 OH triceps ext 15/20
10 V-ups

Post Rx, or rounds completed to comments. 
Note rest times.

Workout Notes:

  1. GPP HQ is available by appointment only. It is limited to only 4 people per 45 min. Click HERE to make apt

  2. Masters: Do 10-12 rounds depending upon how you are feeling.

  3. HS = high speed.

  4. Extend and bend arms fully with EACH REP on the triceps ext.

  5. Alt for press jacks would be to use a SINGLE DB. 

  6. Why is it called Jazzed Up? Many of our high output workouts were designed while working with highly tuned athletes, the Utah Jazz Dancers in this case. I trained them for nearly a decade. This workout is named for them. 

Musings …

Looking for ideas for keeping our community together.

Kids Fitness …

Warmup: 8-10 min

1 min bear crawl
1 min crab crawl
plank for time (who can plank longest?)

Workout: 10 min

Hit the Deck (see demo video). Can you go further than last week???

Game: 10 min

Freeze dancing. When the music stops, freeze in your pose until music starts again.

Lift Club …

Warm up:

800m run (2 min rest)
400m run (1 min rest)
200m sprint.


5x3 deadlift 155
5x5 pullups
5x12 biceps DB curls