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Leg Shredder

On Trainer's Count complete...

Four rounds of: 
 20 BTB squats  (squats that begin and end in the bottom of the movement)
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


Four rounds per side of:
20 SLD 15/20
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


Four rounds of:
20 heel raises
rest 30 sec. between rounds.


200 walking lunges (R+L=2)

Post total reps completed to comments

Caution:  This workout will make you VERY, VERY sore or injured unless you are specifically conditioned for it. Please consider scaling weight &/or reps if you are new to this workout.


When you are leaning over doing those SLDs today, don't be afraid to back off some if your low back is still aching from those DB floor to OHs yesterday.  

SLDs place a fair bit of tension on your low back.  Especially around your luv handles (posterior oblique) area.  It's not tension that will hurt you (unless you get crazy, or do it wrong), but rookies and vets (those who went WAY up the hill, then back down yesterday) should be careful.  

If you are feeling the effects of yesterday's workout, or are new to this workout - shorten the movement some.  In other words, stay in the upper portion of the movement and don't drop the DB all the way to the floor.  You may also consider using a prop (chair, stack of weights, sturdy short person) to help get out of the hole (from the ground to above your waist).  


These GPP Endurance camps are magic.  Just an amazing time of learning and training.  If you plan to do any long distance endurance events this year, make it a point to get some coaching from the BEST in the biz.