2 rounds for time.

15 burpees
35 V-ups
15 burpees
35 pushups
15 burpees
35 Aussie pullups
15 burpees 
35 squats 
15 burpees
35 KB swings 25/35

Post time to comments.

Daily Extras - It's a weird week. Let's keep it rolling. 

900 backwards rope jumps

Workout Notes:

It's almost over. Just one more round of burpees and we are done with them for a while. I promise you'll hardly see ANY burpees next week. 

Some of you need this video (to the R). Start a little early by warming those shoulders up before the workout. We've gone pretty hard at them this week. If you need an alt (shoulder just won't have it) switch for reverse burpees

Perfect! Lacy & Michelle (GPPNWA) have got the right idea.