Complete 3 rounds of: 

200m sprint
25 tick tocks R 35/54
25 tick tocks L 35/54
25 donkey kicks
25 swipers 15/20 (R+L=1)
200m sprint
25 stability rev back extensions
25 inchworm w/ tuck jump
25 V-up ball transfers

Post perceived exertion level to comments.  Re-comment 24 hours later.

From Becky R. in comments -

"... When I first started GPP I couldn't do a single box jump. I could barely run the 400 meters without dying. Hell, I couldn't even run around the building without dying. I can't tell you how many times I left that place and just cried in my car. I always felt so defeated. But one thing I never did was give up. Since starting GPP I've lost an entire size (including a place women don't want to lose) and I've gained so much strength, but what I didn't expect to gain was confidence. I feel so much better about myself and I look forward every day to what the workout has to offer. I'm glad I had the courage to start, because its been a life changing experience for me ..."


Things that go up ...  (Ouch Angie!)