Perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed immediately by 10 seconds rest for each of the following exercises.  Complete all 8 rounds before moving to the next exercise.

Perform 2 rounds of:

KB swings 25/35
jump rope
box jumps

Post total reps for each exercise to comments


GPP GETFIT clicnic #2

TODAY - Saturday, Dec 21, 2013 9:30 - 10:30am.
At GPP Syracuse
It's FREE.  It's for everyone.  Please come join us as we discuss:

  • The philosophies and methods for achieving Optimal Health. 
  • Why GPP is such a powerful and effective way to train.
  • Burst Cycle Diet
  • Answers to your questions


Wishing you have a safe and happy weekend.  Make sure you get out and do something with your health, and fitness.  It's better if done with folks you love and who love you back. 

If you find yourself in a cool place using your health and fitness, snap a pic and send it our way -  Even the littlest thing can serve as the inspiration for someone's transformation.



When you become as determined to become healthy as Azure was to string DUs - NOTHING stops you!