AMRAP in 4 min:

10 v-ups
10 v-twists 15/20 (R+L=1)
10 side-ups R
10 Superman back ext
10 side-ups L

Rest 1 min. Complete 5 rounds total. Post number of rounds completed per 4 min bout to comments. 

Daily Extras - 

  1. Weight the side-ups 15/20
  2. Complete 10 mountain climbers (R+L=1) during the 1 min rest.

Workout Notes:

  • Must keep moving. 

  • Yep, I like v-ups. IMO you get the most abdominal bang for your buck with a v-up. For LOTS of reasons.

  • Those v-twists are going to sting. Hang in there. Get em.  

  •  The v-twist demo shows Meg using a medicine ball. For today, I prefer you use a DB. 

  • Don't be fooled, this one looks WAY easier on paper. 

We pioneered a few new moves and a new workout last night at the arena (thanks again ladies!). You are going to like it.