10 front squats AHAP
10 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min. 

8 front squats AHAP
8 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 1-3 min.

6 front squats AHAP
6 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

4 front squats AHAP
4 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

2 front squats AHAP
2 assisted pistols (ea. leg)
rest 3-5 min.

1 burnout set of front squats (use 50% of weight used on 2 rep set)

Post weights used to comments.

Daily Extras - 2 rounds of: 

50 bar kicks 25/45
2 min plank hold
2 min plank w/elbows on stab ball
2 min 6" leg raise 

Workout Notes:

  1. FYI - squats are named after how they are weighted.
  2. Front squats are superior. They are our fav weighted squat. 
  3. If your wrists hurt, you are FS'ing wrong!
  4. Burnout = to the pain (or JUST before bad form) 

I usually get a little tense about kids messing around on the equipment, but while momma was doing a private training session (AKA - leading from the front!), this little one was putting in some serious row time. No messing around here. Yes, those meters are ALL hers (947 m showing). Plus she did about 800 more! Then 50 situps, or so! Plus she has a fantastic strict pushup! An impressive effort. Did I mention she's FIVE?! 

Very often I am asked by frustrated parents how they can motivate their kids to exercise. The only answer I can come up with is: Do what Aurora does - INSPIRE them!