Complete 3 rounds:

20 uni lunge presses R 15/20
20 uni lunge presses L 15/20 
20 uni lunge curls R 15/20
20 uni lunge curls L 15/20
20 uni lunge curl & press 15/20
20 uni lunge curl & press 15/20
200 m run 

Post Rx or scale to comments.


If you didn't make it for Tuesday's workout this week, you'll be a little light on programming for your legs.  "Fun with Lunges" will help to make up for it.   


Open gym between 0800 - 0845 today.  If you need to catch up on one of the workouts, or maybe just want to come in and work on skills/weaknesses - you are welcomed to do so during this time.   



Utah Jazz Dancers do Ab Medley (5 rds).