Warm up:

20 inchworms (make sure you get those hams stretched)


Every 30 sec, complete 10 max effort (if you are prepared for it) sprints for each of the following exercises. To prevent injury, consider starting each exercise at 50% of max intensity, gradually building up to 100% after several reps.

10m start & stops

10m sideways shuffle sprints (R+L=2)

10m grapevine sprints (R+L=2)

10m starts and stops

Post total sprints completed per exercise to comments.


Coaching cues:

Starts and Stops- You are to accelerate to your max speed and come to a complete stop before the 10m line.  Concentrate on keeping your back strait, head up and eyes forward.  Drive knees toward your goal.  

Sideways Shuffle Sprints - You are to accelerate to top speed, then come to a complete stop WITHIN 10 meters each time.  Again, back strait, head up and eyes forward.  Accelerate hard down-range using the up-range foot.  Do NOT cross legs between strides. 

Grapevine Sprints - This is all about your hips.  You need to move them.  Keep your shoulders square to the wall you are facing and alternate stepping in front, then in back.  Stay facing the same way on the sprint back so that you balance out the other side. 


This workout is cool.  By accelerating forward to top speed within a short distance, you tax and shape mainly the posterior portion of your lower body.  Then, by hitting the brakes and decelerating to a stop in the same short distance, you tax and shape the other side (anterior).  This lends to perfect balance in your lower body. 

Most people make the mistake of thinking that a sprint workout is all about using the lower body and lungs.  It is not.  Sprinting taxes the entire body, ESPECIALLY the core. It is one of the reasons sprinters look like this.  Give it your all today to get the most benefit.

A word of WARNING - Last time we did this workout, most of us became "Thrust-O-Sore."  If you haven't sprinted in a while, DO NOT complete all of these.



Bex (GPP NWA) joins the 200 club!