Warm up - Tabata situps (8 rounds of 20 seconds "on" 10 seconds "off")

7 min AMRAP:
10 kipping pullups
10 strict pushups

Rest 2 min, then

7 min AMRAP:
10 front squat 65/95
20 box jumps

Post total situps and rounds completed for each couplet to comments

Daily Extras - choose 2

800 m run
600 rope jumps
5 min spin bike jogging
3 laps elliptical 8/10 (speed 65+)
75 burpees

Workout Notes: 

Don't forget. EOYC meeting on Monday @ 7pm. 

Talking about cool stuff related to diet and exercise. Ha! What else would we talk about. No, but seriously, we'll talk about how to make workouts more effective. Got some cool ideas for you. Plus would love to hear your discoveries. 

You know you are killing some burpees when you bust a strap! (Ashley)