Every minute on the minute for 10 mins complete:
30 rope jumps
Rest 1 minute, then

Every minute on the minute for 10 mins complete: 
10 deadlifts 95/135
Rest 1 minute, then

Every minute on the minute for 10 mins complete:
5 pullups

Post a healthy goal for this week to comments.  


Homestyle (for those off-site with limited equipment)

There really is no sub for heavy deadlifting.  You need it.  Deadlifting creates the type of fitness that inexplicably strengthens you globally.  Seriously, it strengthens parts of you which are not blatantly obvious.  It also helps prevent injuries.  

However, if you can't find anything heavy to lift safely, use DBs and KBs and practice the movement with majority of focus going to neutral spine.  

Pullup sub = heavy band pull down.  You may need to double up bands to get enough resistance for these short sets. 


There are about 10 weeks left til swimsuit season.  You ready?  Will you be?  

The best way to eat an elephant is 1 bite at a time, right?  Choose a healthy goal to tackle this week and let's start taking some bites out of it.  We can use each other for support.  Make it something that has really got you flummoxed (working out daily, drinking more water, getting to bed by 10, etc.).  Post to comments and keep posting.  

Experts will tell you, it takes 20 days to develope a habit.  If you expect to put a bad habit behind you, you'll need to ride the lightning for a while.  Hope to see you here for the next 20 days.  


Congrats Chelsea!  A 43 min 10k is NO JOKE!